Book a Reading or Workshop with Dawn

Now taking appointments for 2025!

Please scroll down for workshop and event bookings

To book a reading:

  • Select your preferred day and time for your appointment, then click Continue
  • On the next screen you will enter your details, including name, email, phone number, and whether you would like an online or in-person appointment
  • Select whether you wish to pay for the appointment in full or a 50% deposit
  • Click confirm and please wait a moment for the checkout/payment screen to load.
  • Payment can be made by credit/debit card (processed by Square).
  • You will receive a confirmation email with details once the appointment is processed (including a link to join a cancellation list if you wish)

Please note:

Dawn is usually booked at least 3 months in advance. The calendar will show the earliest dates available to book.

Cancellation list: if you wish to be placed on Dawn’s cancellation list, please proceed with a future booking, then look out for your confirmation email which contains a link to join the cancellation list. This way your future booking is still guaranteed.

Price increase: From 1st January 2025, due to rising costs the price for readings with Dawn will be $185 (this does not affect anyone that has already booked in for the New Year). All readings are 45 to 60 minutes in duration.

If you have any questions, or issues with booking online, click over to the Contact Dawn page to send an email with your details.

Please note: booking timeslots below are shown in Australian Western Standard Time (AWST).

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Workshop and Event Bookings

New events coming soon - join the waitlist to be notified

Enter your details below to be notified when tickets are available for this and upcoming workshops and events.

Please be sure to tick the ‘Get Notified’ box so that you can receive Dawn’s emails, then check your inbox for an email with a link to confirm